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Facilitation Skills eBook

Facilitation Skills eBook



Sale Price $17 ($32 Off)

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High Quality Content: Attention grabbing, step by step training content, helps the student to grasp the concept easily. It is created for self learning module.

Value for money: Designed to have the highest training impact.

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Words in this eBook: 23,000 plus.

A4 size pages in this eBook: 134

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Brief About This eBook

The traditional role of the manager has always been to take a visible lead. He or she was all knowing, all-doing and all-being. This role fitted the needs of top down, controlling organizations. But today things are changing fast. The old style workplaces are rapidly giving way to a new approach. Instead of control, they call for understanding; instead of hierarchies, they require selfmanagement; and instead of thrusting leaders who know best, they need facilitators who are there to help others perform.

173 Steps of Training

Training Modules In This eBook