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Influencing and Negotiating Skills eBook

Influencing and Negotiating Skills



Sale Price $17 ($32 Off)

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High Quality Content: Attention grabbing, step by step training content, helps the student to grasp the concept easily. It is created for self learning module.

Value for money: Designed to have the highest training impact.

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Words in this eBook: 25,000 plus.

A4 size pages in this eBook: 144

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Brief About This eBook

It is now widely recognized that, in most situations, authoritarian ways of managing people do not work. Instead of getting people to do what we want, the authoritarian approaches of “I know best” and “I’m in charge” end up causing antagonism, anger and a job not done. In place of dictating skills, people who want to work with others use influencing skills. These skills use non-forceful techniques to work with people rather than against them. As a result, relationships improve, people feel valued and the job gets done.

194 Steps of Training

Training Modules In This eBook