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Maximizing Your Potential eBook

Maximizing Your Potential eBook



Sale Price $17 ($32 Off)

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High Quality Content: Attention grabbing, step by step training content, helps the student to grasp the concept easily. It is created for self learning module.

Value for money: Designed to have the highest training impact.

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Words in this eBook: 27,000 plus.

A4 size pages in this eBook: 156

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Brief About This eBook

It is astonishing to realize that we each possess skills and abilities that nobody else possesses quite like we do. We are each gifted with unique strengths and talents, whether this is a talent for display on the world stage as an outstanding performer or leader or star, or on a small stage as someone who makes a difference to just a few other people. Some believe that the talents we have are a freak of nature: the result of hereditary genes, the circumstances of our upbringing, or pure luck. Others believe that our talents are divinely inspired, the genius of the Roman gods. Whichever belief we accept, the fact remains: we are unique and it is up to us to decide in our lives just how we are to make the most of what we have and bring our potential to fruition.

191 Steps of Training

Training Modules In This eBook