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Time Management Skills eBook

Time Management Skills eBook



Sale Price $17 ($32 Off)

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High Quality Content: Attention grabbing, step by step training content, helps the student to grasp the concept easily. It is created for self learning module.

Value for money: Designed to have the highest training impact.

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Words in this eBook: 25,000 plus.

A4 size pages in this eBook: 139

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Brief About This eBook

Good time management means many things. It means having control over your time instead of letting time control you. It also means doing the right things as well as the right things right. It means saving time when we would otherwise waste it. And it means finding a balance in how we carry out the tasks in our life. This module introduces you to the simple but complex nature of time and how and why it is one of the most important resources to learn how to manage.

179 Steps of Training

Training Modules In This eBook